““As I was responding, I started responding to my own automatic drawings.””
““There’s no pause for the news.””
““You can’t have a punchline without a setup.””
““A primal scream of not joy or anger, just the need to let go. Let it out.””
““I was responding to that side of it- being stuck in the middle of a really inaccessible space.””
““I sewed it together with this open stitch, so it looks even more gruesome.””
““You can’t make sense of anything, but it still fills you with emotions.””
““I’ve always had a personal relationship with the ocean- I think everyone does.””
““What will happen with the honey and all the other things that will be missing?””
““Seems pretty tropical- a giant bird just chilling by the water.””
“ “... there seemed to be a pattern to the music, and even though I couldn’t pick it out, that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.””
““I wanted to capture what it’s really like living here- it is beautiful, and it is strange and odd, and this stuff is just right around the corner at any given moment, and I think it’s a great thing.””
““I wanted the tears to be very shiny and sparkly, because I think that sad moments can also be very beautiful.””
““Animals of different sizes tend to have naturally different life spans and presumably different time perspective.””
““I did research about this Frau Troffea, and it’s not sure, but people think she was on LSD because she danced so much.””
““It sounds all melodramatic when I bring religion into things.””
““I had to decide what Waluigi’s chest hair situation should be.””
““It’s just an audacious tree.””
““It kind of feels like a shot of espresso when you listen to it.””
““... a little bit of nostalgia kicked in there.””
““I think that I was adding something where it didn’t exist.””
““Where do you do your thinking?””
““The Utah teapot is like the Wilhelm scream of 3D objects.””
““I realized that it was not about the specific textures or signifiers of a bathroom, but it was kind of this vibe of a bathroom—a gross, 7-11 public bathroom that gives you an icky feeling.””
““Marquez’s world is full of phenomena- it’s full of things to be studied, of life and beauty, and of terror.””